Sunday 4 December 2011

The ULTIMATE bacon sandwich

Probably the best bacon sandwich in the world. Crisp dry cured back and streaky bacon sandwiched between two layers of bacon flecked sour dough bread and served with a spicy Bloody Mary ketchup. This should consign the chewy pink bacon in cotton wool bread to the pages of history.

You've been surviving on breakfast cereal all week so this is your weekend reward. Enjoy it with the Sunday papers and a strong coffee.

You will need one sour dough loaf. This easy to make but you will need to invest a little time during the week to prepare it.

I found this recipe online and it makes a superb loaf with a good chewy crust and a great flavour:
It make look daunting but it just requires a few simple tasks and some patience.

(Simply fold in five rashers of finely chopped crisp streaky bacon in the final stage of kneading)

If you don't want to make your own, just buy a decent crusty loaf from the shop but you'll be missing a treat.



  • pack of good dry cured back bacon
  • pack of good dry cured streaky bacon
  • 4 tbsp ketchup
  • 1/2 tsp Tabasco sauce
  • 1/2 tsp worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tsp vodka
  1. Fry 2 rashers of back and two rashers of streaky bacon per person until crisp and golden
  2. Mix together the ketchup, Tabasco, worcestershire sauce and vodka
  3. Remove the bacon from the pan and gently fry 2 slices of the bread in the bacon juices for a minute or two on one side only
  4. Place dry side down on a place., load with the bacon and a dollop of sauce then top with the second slice of bread, juice side down.

Grab the paper, get comfy and get ready for the ULTIMATE bacon sandwich!

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